Identifying Procrastination — What kind of monster are you?

Ezela Tagliente
3 min readOct 21, 2020


Part 1 of the Maniac’s Guide to Organization and Leadership

There is a certain type of person attracted to monsters and mayhem. Personally, I am one of those people. I watch horror movies on the treadmill and elliptical, binge watch scary documentaries on my couch folding laundry (a task scary in and of itself), and bow down to all things John Carpenter or Stephen King.

The day I wrote the draft for this article, I had just finished an elliptical workout, having watched Hell House. Image courtesy of

So how does this correlate with organization and leadership? I don’t recall the exact moment I came up with the idea. I remember going through a random stream of consciousness which landed on final girls. I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be interesting to express leadership through archetypes and recognized metaphors in horror? We’ll explore that exact topic in a future article.

Let us start the series with a light, fun quiz. Tally your points for an intriguing insight into your procrastination proclivities.

This is an original quiz, written by yours truly. Captured via image because Ugh…bullets.

Mostly A’s — You’re fastidious, put together and planning is totally your thing. You’re Vampyr, and not the Twilight kind. No, you’re steam punk Gary Oldman in a 3 piece grey suit. You’re only distracted by the occasional exposed carotid. Sure, you’re a little spontaneous and romantic, crossing oceans of time to meet up with a chick. But not before you bought 10 houses in a her country and filled them all with the soil of your homeland, giving you multiple options should you get tired somewhere around town. Every action you take is calculated, planned and then planned again.

Mostly B’s — You’re easy going, thought out, but with a bit of a streak where you might let things get out of control. You’re a werewolf, prone to regular but predictable lapses in judgement. Most of the time, you’ve got it together. You’re not bad with planning, making sure you’ve got a pair of shackles and a lockable basement room ready. You’ve got the full moons highlighted on your calendar and a 2 hour alarm set so you know when it’s time to head down. But once you get in that room, and once the moon is full, you’re a beast. Squirrels beware — for that period of time you’re distracted from your normal tasks and every snapped twig brings the promise of a snack.

Mostly C’s — Procrastination and spontaneity are your jam. Loafing around the house binging Netflix and avoiding your planner (if you have one), is your idea of a good time. The second an article comes out announcing a new show, you’re on it. You’re a total zombie, stuck in place with nothing to do until live bait walks by.

Images courtesy of (Night of the Living Dead (1990), The Wolfman (2010), and Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)

If you got one of each — Congrats! You’re human.

Follow me for more! Next time we tackle how to write a to do list like a serial killer!

